Heritage Malta’s Inquisitor’s Cookalong Sessions will resume on Thursday 27th May with a webinar focusing on honey in 17th and 18th century Malta, and a recipe fit for a pope.

The session is being held in conjunction with Taste History and its multidisciplinary team of food historians, chefs and curators who have, in the past years, seen Heritage Malta present unique historic culinary experiences. This seventh cookalong session will go online and will start with a short feature about the history of honey in Malta, followed by the actual recipe and then an opportunity for participants to ask questions to a panel of experts.

In the introductory feature, Dr Noel Buttigieg, who lectures on the heritage and culture of food at the University of Malta, and Mr Kenneth Cassar, Senior Curator for Ethnography and the Arts within Heritage Malta, will give a brief overview of the history of beekeeping in Malta and the various uses of honey along the centuries.

Chef Joseph Cassar will then use an 18th century recipe to create Pan Papato, a sweet made with several luxurious ingredients for aristocratic tables, and possibly the precursor of today’s Christmas cake. All cookalong recipes are based on archives located in Malta and in this case a 1748 recipe manuscript was consulted. It is also known that Pope Alexander VII, formerly Inquisitor Fabio Chigi residing at the Inquisitor’s Palace in Birgu, had a recipe book written by his chef during his papacy that included a Pan Papato recipe.

Following the recipe, participants may put their questions to Dr Noel Buttigieg, Mr Kenneth Cassar and Chef Joseph Cassar.

The cookalong session will be in English and starts at 7.00pm. Participants must register beforehand via this link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U_jBwCdASBCZTlIPmf9cSA


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