Diagnostic Science Laboratories
Diagnostic Science Laboratories
Apart from providing scientific solutions within the national cultural heritage sector, the Diagnostic Science Laboratories also address scientific analysis requests from private collectors and conservation companies, the Church of Malta, other government departments and industrial companies at large.
Detailed discussions are held with clients in order to devise the best methodology that caters for the scientific solution they seek. Details of all projects and their findings are kept confidential and are never shared with external parties to the request.
Solutions available to individuals include:
– X-radiography, infrared and hyperspectral imaging of works of art
– Examination and analysis of materials using a range of microscopic, x-ray, infrared and diffraction micro-chemical analytical techniques. Common materials examined and analysed include pigments, metals, glass, stone, mortars, textiles, as well as organic media such as oils, gums, waxes, proteins, resins and plastics.
– Salt analysis, as a means to determine the quality and quantity of salt species present within and around a plethora of materials, such as stone. This may be necessary to understand material deterioration.
– Environmental monitoring solutions by way of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Absolute Humidity logging is also available and can be applied on a short or long term basis.
– Light intensity measurements by way of LUX and UV detection, to assess light exposure onto objects, particularly when it comes to cultural heritage objects prone to photo-degradation and UV induced chemical breakdown.
Several of the in-lab systems above may also be transported for in-situ non-invasive analysis and examination.
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