

Individual donations

Your gift will help Heritage Malta to continue to make the national collection, our museums, landmarks, monuments, underwater sites, traditions and customs accessible to everyone. The scope of the heritage we are entrusted with safeguarding for tomorrow’s generations is vast, and although we do receive public funding, our resources are finite. Therefore, every little bit helps. Your support will enable our conservation and restoration, education and outreach, maintenance and research efforts to go that extra mile. Together we can ensure a future for our heritage.


Conserve an artefact

Many of Heritage Malta’s conservation projects are made possible by your support. You may wish to funnel your donation into the conservation and restoration of a particular artefact or site.


Leave a Legacy

To be able to better understand the direction in which we are headed, we need to first and foremost appreciate where we have come from. The past shapes and colours our identity both as a nation and as individuals. Embodied in our cultural heritage and its practice, the past anchors us and gives meaning to our present, uniting us collectively, and transcending personal beliefs and differences.

Whether you wish to leave a gift in your will, or a donation in your memory, your legacy will have a lasting impact on what is remembered in the future. You may also choose to ensure the memory of a relative or friend lives on whilst supporting Heritage Malta’s work. Commemorating their lives in a meaningful manner may bring consolation and help to alleviate the loss of a loved one.

To find out how you may support Heritage Malta by leaving a legacy, or donation please email


Donate an artefact

Because the past belongs to all, the generous donation of an object of historical, aesthetic, archaeological or ethnographic value helps us to illuminate our understanding of the past and provide accessibility to your addition to our cultural heritage. Heritage Malta is very grateful to all those who donate any items to the national collections. Regretfully, due to limitations of space and resources, we are unable to accept all artefacts. We would greatly appreciate it, if you could send us an email with more information about your proposed donation, including size and provenance, accompanied, if possible, by a photo to:


Thank you for choosing to make
a donation to Heritage Malta.


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