Home » Museums by Candlelight – The Malta Maritime Museum

Museums by Candlelight – The Malta Maritime Museum

Saturday, 12th October 2024

  • Guided tours around the ‘An Island at the Crossroads’ exhibition.

10:00 (ENG)
11:00 (MT)
13:00 (ENG)
16:00 (MT)
18:00 (ENG)
19:00 (MT)
20:00 (ENG)

Sunday, 13th October 2024

  • Guided tours around the ‘An Island at the Crossroads’ exhibition.

09:00 (MT)
11:00 (ENG)
13:00 (MT)
14:00 (ENG)


As part of the the Museums by Candlelight event, taking place between the 12th and 13th of October in three Heritage Malta Birgu sites, Heritage Malta is inviting you to a guided tour around the ‘An Island at the Crossroads’ exhibition, currently running at the Malta Maritime Museum.

‘An Island at the Crossroads’ takes its visitors on a journey through Malta’s salt-scented centuries, focusing on how our islands were always at the heart of navigation.  It delves into Malta’s strategic location in the Mediterranean, revealing a tapestry of tales shaped by the sea’s impact on the island nation and its identity.

The artefacts on exhibit, tell a compelling story about love, conflict, and the difficulties experienced by those who crossed the sea for a fresh start. They range from ex-voto paintings to antique seafaring instruments.

Participants are requested to be at the museum 15 minutes prior to the tour’s commencement.

Bħala parti mill-attività Museums by Candlelight, li se ssir bejn it-12 u t-13 ta' Ottubru fi tliet siti ta' Heritage Malta fil-Birgu, Heritage Malta qed tistiednek tesplora b’dawra ggwidata, il-wirja ‘An Island at the Crossroads' li bħalissa għaddejja fil-Mużew Marittimu ta' Malta,

‘An Island at the Crossroads' tieħu lill-viżitaturi tagħha fuq vjaġġ matul is-sekli ta’ ġrajjet Malta, b’enfasi fuq kif il-gżejjer tagħna kienu dejjem fil-qalba tat-tbaħħir u n-navigazzjoni. Il-wirja tidħol fid-dettall dwar il-pożizzjoni strateġika ta’ Malta fil-Mediterran, u tesplora l-impatt tal-baħar fuq l-identità tal-gżira.

L-artefatti esebiti jirrakkontaw storja intriganti dwar l-imħabba, il-kunflitt, u d-diffikultajiet li għaddew minnhom dawk li qasmu l-baħar għal bidu ġdid. Dawn ivarjaw minn pitturi ex-voto għal strumenti antiki tat-tbaħħir.

Il-parteċipanti huma mitluba li jkunu fil-mużew 15-il minuta qabel ma jibda t-tour.

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