Heritage Malta has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with St. Martin’s Institute of IT which will see the two entities collaborating closely on a number of projects in Creative Information Communication Technology Digitisation and Information Technology projects.

The agreement will see the two entities collaborating closely on various projects in an attempt to pursue the mission undertaken by Heritage Malta to modernize the museums and sites entrusted to the agency making them more accessible and an experience worth remembering for visitors.

The collaboration will aim to a number of very interesting initiatives taken by both parties for the benefit of the general public, including students and tourists visiting Heritage Malta sites and museums, as well as the students of St. Martin’s IT insititute. This agreement also includes the possibility of internships and summer placements of SMIIT students with Heritage Malta where interns can be exposed to high information systems used by Heritage Malta such as Geographical Information Systems, Collection Management Systems and other management information systems and decision support systems. Any related projects, products and prototypes created by students of the institute will receive more visibility and can be appreciated nationwide since Heritage Malta will be exposing such products at its museums and sites.

Projects undertaken by St. Martin’s Institute for IT will include creative projects for modes of interpretation of any museum, site or collection in line with Heritage Malta’s strategy. The institue, by means of the agreement, has also committed itself to propose projects and improvements in Heritage Malta’s digitisation and IT sector as well as propose IT solutions to the agency in the fields of conservation, presentation, interpretation, exhibitions, business intelligence, knowledge management and information processing. Students, faculty members and alumni seeking to carry out postgraduate degrees in the Creative Sciences will be working closely with Heritage Malta personnel to develop research opportunities to enhance the experiences of the general public with our national cultural heritage.

The MoU has been triggered after several discussions between Heritage Malta’s Head of ICT, Mr. Noel Zammit and St. Martin’s Institute of IT Principal, Mr. Charles Theuma. The memorandum of understanding was signed by Acting CEO Kenneth Gambin on behalf of Heritage Malta and Charles Theuma Principal of St. Martin’s Institue. With regards to the agreement, Mr. Gambin said: “Heritage Malta looks forward to collaborate closely with St Martin’s College. This promises to be a wonderful opportunity to enhance the current interpretation in its museums and sites in a way which provides a more satisfying experience to the general public. The fruit of this collaboration will certainly provide all visitors with an opportunity to discover Malta’s millennial cultural heritage in new and exciting ways.”

St Martin’s Institute of IT, a licensed higher education institution by the NCFHE and an Affiliate Institution for the University of London International is a pioneer in the teaching for the Creative Computing Sciences. Charles Theuma, principal of the institute stated: “We are very keen to work in this area of expertise. Computer Science isn’t simply data processing in commercial organizations, but we can adopt the modern and emerging technologies in displaying and communicating our immense and priceless heritage to the Maltese and visiting tourists and scholars alike.”

Heritage Malta has once again proven its commitment to “ensure a future to our past” and also welcomes such collaborations.

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