Fl-1941 il-bombi tal-għadu ħallew lill-komunità Dumnikana ġirien tagħna, mingħajr knisja u kunvent, tant li kellhom isibu refuġju temporanju lil hinn mill-Birgu. Iżda d-dmir li jkunu fost in-nies sabiex joffru kenn spiritwali u edukazzjoni, ġiegħlhom jirritornaw lura. Tmenin sena ilu, f’Awwissu tal-1942, id-Dumnikani uffiċjalment talbu sabiex temporanjament jagħmlu użu mill-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur. Dan wassal biex għal madwar għoxrin sena, il-Palazz serva ta’ dar u t-tempju għall-komunità.

B’emfasi fuq is-snin ta’ wara l-Gwerra, din il-wirja tfakkar ir-rabta speċjali bejn il-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur u l-Ordni Dumnikan fil-Birgu. Dan permezz tal-memorji tal-komunità – ġirien tagħna, li għalihom il-Palazz għandu post speċjali f’qalbhom.


Enemy War bombing in 1941 had left the neighbouring Dominican community without a convent and a church, thus finding temporary refuge beyond Birgu. They were called back by the need to fulfil their spiritual and educational mission among their people. In August 1942, eighty years ago, the Dominicans asked for the temporary shelter of the Inquisitor’s Palace, and for almost two decades this Palace became the community’s home and temple.

With an emphasis on the post-War years, this exhibition celebrates the special relationship between the Inquisitor’s Palace and the neighbouring Dominican Order, through the voice of their own community, whose recollections clearly testify to the special place this Palace has in the heart of Birgu.

Dumnikani fil-Palazz Home and Temple 1942-1960 Exhibition


23 Aug 2022 - 08 Jan 2023

Tue to Sun (Closed on Good Friday, Christmas Eve & Day, New Year’s Eve & Day): 09.00 - 16.30

Birgu, Malta


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