Children and teenagers who are Heritage Malta student passport holders can enjoy educational and entertaining activities throughout summer, as part of a programme drawn up by the Education and Outreach Section within the national agency for cultural heritage.

In contrast with previous years, all this summer’s activities will be held virtually via zoom. There will be two sets of activities – one for students aged between 12 and 15 and another one aimed at younger children.

Activities for 12 to 15-year-olds consist of seven sessions in a series named ‘Leħħiet fuq l-Istorja’, where Heritage Malta experts will trace the history of the Maltese Islands from prehistoric times up to Malta’s accession to the European Union. Each session will be 45 minutes long and will include a 20-minute animation, a short discussion and time for questions and answers.

There will be a fee of €5 for each session. The sessions will be held once every fortnight and will be in Maltese, with a maximum of 15 participants each time. Those who register for the whole package of seven sessions will receive a gift.

Activities for younger children will be craft-based. There will be five sessions in all, with themes ranging from mosaics to heraldry, textiles, marine life, and the ‘Masterpieces at MUŻA’ exhibition. Some of these sessions will be in Maltese while others will be in English. Sessions cost €5 each.

Along with these two sets of activities, three competitions will be organised for students this summer – once monthly in July, August and September. They will involve photography, essay writing and drawing.

To Register:

  1. Activities for 12 to 15-year-olds 

Leħħa Storja – Episodju 1: Il-Preistorja –

Leħħa Storja – Episodju 2: Il-Feniċi –
Leħħa Storja – Episodju 3: Ir-Rumani –
Leħħa Storja – Episodju 4: Il-Medjuevu –

Leħħa Storja – Episodju 5: Il-Kavallieri –
Leħħa Storja – Episodju 6: Il-Franċiżi –
Leħħa Storja – Episodju 7: Sa l-Unjoni Ewropeja –

2. Activities for younger children

Program tas-Sajf – Ħajt, drapp u buttuni!

Program tas-Sajf – Tpinġija f’mitt biċċa –
Summer Programme – Under the Sea –
Summer Programme – Of Crests & Coat of Arms –

Program tas-Sajf – Pitturi li jinkitbu –

More information on how to participate in competitions send an email to


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